Using the Library

From books and journals to training, support and advice.  We're here to help you.

Study Areas

There are a number of quiet study areas around the library.  You can plug in your laptop and use the library wifi.

The Library Seminar Room is available for Trust staff and students to book for group study and training.  The room seats up to 8 people and is equipped with an interactive Smartboard  If you would like to make a booking please contact the Library team.

Inter Library Loans

If you require an article or books which are not held in the library, we can search other library collections on your behalf.  Please complete the following online form:

Request a book or journal article

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Computer Access

The Library has 24 PCs available 24 hours a day.pc

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Books & Journals

Book stockThe library holds over 14,000 books, reports and multimedia resources that may be borrowed.  In addition we have access to more 7000 full text electronic journals and e-books.

We also hold a small collection of print journals that are available for reference only and can not be borrowed.

Borrowing Books

You can search the library catalogue for all books held by the Library at the Royal Surrey and all other NHS healthcare libraries in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

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Staffed Mon-Fri

9am to 5pm



 Resource Links


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